Friday, July 10, 2009

Movin' on up!

Don't mess with this new brown belt holder in a dark alley!

Elizabeth chose a brown sun dress to wear in celebration of her brother's achievement this evening and cheered him on from the front row.

John will be traveling to Florida in a few weeks to participate in a Karate demo team expo! We will be making it a family get away for a few extra days and are looking forward to Summer's last big bang there... did I just say that??? WHERE DID TIME GO??!

Congrats John!

T/Y to our sweet, wonderful friend and house guest for the week (Mike) for the pics! We will miss you!


Angie said...

WOW! Go John! So proud of you!

Tisha said...

Way to go, John!!!!!! Best of luck to him in his upcoming tournament. I love the brown dress in support of her brother. Elizabeth is just too cute! Hope your family is having a blessed summer!


Susan Stevenson said...

Congratulations to John! Enjoy your trip to FL. Elizabeth is so adorable. She's so pretty in her brown dress!

Brittany said...

Awesome news!!

Shelley said...

Congratulations John!!! Way to go!!!!
I hope we will be seeing you while you are here? Where in FL will you be?