Tuesday, September 1, 2009

rosin up the bow

I had NO idea how involved holding a violin and bow was... so this is Suzuki. The theory is the parent (that would be me) learns the proper technique of bow holding, violin holding, posture, etc.. and then is better able to make sure the child (that would be Elizabeth) is practicing correctly.

My first lesson was quite a fiasco. Actually, I missed the very first lesson, so technically it was lesson #2. A nasty upper resp. bug had me homebound for almost 9 days and it was my first day "out" in a while. It was a hot hot day and I guess I was still sporting a bit of a fever because about 20 minutes into the lesson and holding the weapon errr I mean violin correctly on my shoulder twisting my neck and head I felt it was either ask to sit down, or I was going to totally embarrass myself and end up passing out.

After a few moments all was well and when we got home Elizabeth had to remind me how to correctly do it all! :)

The "new parents" and students have a concert coming up in several weeks and my husband is delighting in teasing me about my first "concert" in ..xx years!

ahhhh what you will do for your kids!
Violin is actually going quite well and I now see the benefits of this method. Elizabeth is taking her violin playing VeRy seriously and I think this will be a wonderful addition to her talents. She is very responsible with the care of her tiny little Klaus Muller Etude (1/16 size) violin and loves to practice - so far.

1 comment:

Angie said...

Can't wait to hear her squeak...I mean play!