Sunday, January 4, 2009

Imagine living like this?

We have been concerned for some friends living in Israel and got this from them tonight...

... "At the moment we are safe because I live in the center of Israel, next to Tel Aviv, which is nicknamed "the bubble" because geographically and mentally it is disconnected from the line of fire in our borders. This is really a little naïve because actually missiles launched by the Hamas are falling 25 minutes drive from here... Also, our soldiers have entered Gaza tonight which was inevitable in order to clear all terrorist activity, but that itself is so dangerous. Unfortunately this has become a part of our daily life routine, but nothing has really changed in the past 3000 years and probably will not change anytime soon".

We were thankful to hear they are ok. Our prayers are with them and Israel as a nation.


kitchu said...

i lived in Iran during the crisis.

and all i can think about tonight, outside of Israel, are those children in Gaza- those hospitals with no power...

all I can think about on both sides are the hundreds of civilians losing their lives- especially the children.

it is all i can do, honestly, to sleep.

and here now Israel won't let reporters into Gaza.

heaven forbid we see both sides of the story.

Susan said...

I know Kris it is terrible when anyone is killed in situations like this especially the children and civilians.

What disturbs me almost more than anything else is the Palestinian's open admission of using civilians (mainly women, children and the elderly) as "human shields". Both now and in the past.

There are many reports and eyewitness examples but here's one link to a disturbing video from , Fathi Ahmad Hammad, member of the Palestinian Legislative Council, who is quoted confirming Palestinians deliberately use women and children as human shields and states they are proud of it.

Heartbreaking indeed.