Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Set aside Liberal vs. Conservative for a moment

I find this image and many more like this taken recently very disturbing. You obviously notice that Mr. Obama refused to honor the US Flag Code while everyone else depicted is respectful. Wouldn't you think someone running for the highest office in our nation would welcome this chance to honor our nation in such a way? According to Obama's campaign staff he "sometimes" salutes the flag and sometimes he doesn't... WHAT?? If prior to the election he is this disrespectful to our nation, its founding, and those that gave their lives for our freedom, what comes after if he is elected?

Then, you have THIS going on in Ohio which is a key state.


Stefanie said...

Scary, scary stuff.

Mom Of Many said...

Bless you Susan for speaking the TRUTH! He is so scary...and maybe what is even scarier is how many good folks just don't care? I was watching an interview the other day and they were mentioning his terrorist ties and the guy said, "People don't care about that!" WHAT?

Prayer is the only hope - that Almighty God will grant our nation mercy - one more time, even though we don't deserve it! Keep praying!

Mom Of Many said...

Bless you Susan for speaking the TRUTH! He is so scary...and maybe what is even scarier is how many good folks just don't care? I was watching an interview the other day and they were mentioning his terrorist ties and the guy said, "People don't care about that!" WHAT?

Prayer is the only hope - that Almighty God will grant our nation mercy - one more time, even though we don't deserve it! Keep praying!

Kim said...

This is just one of many things that disturbs me about this man!

Heather said...

WoW! Talk about a COMPLETE misrepresentation of Obama in this picture! "Refusing to honor" the flag? I don't know where you got your information, but that is SO NOT what is happening in this picture. He was repectfully listening to the national anthem. There is no requirement to put your hand over your heart when the anthem in playing. Check it out and you will see that I am correct.

I don't mind if you don't like Obama or if you disagree with his platform, but at least disagree with him on the actual issues, not this made up junk.

Anonymous said...

You put your hand over your heart during the pledge. Not during the Anthem (which was playing when this picture was taken). Yes, you can put your hand over your heart, but that is not required.

Susan said...

Heather, and Mothermotherocean, here is the exact text from the US Flag code of conduct expected during the *ANTHEM*. I'll include the link, but to save you time and others reading this I'll post directly here.
During rendition of the national anthem when the flag is displayed, all present except those in uniform should stand at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart. Men not in uniform should remove their headdress with their right hand and hold it at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart. Persons in uniform should render the military salute at the first note of the anthem and retain this position until the last note. When the flag is not displayed, those present should face toward the music and act in the same manner they would if the flag were displayed there.
Heather, I'm surprised you weren't aware of this if your field is Law.

Here's the direct link:
scroll down to # 171

Ohilda said...

I am continuously praying for what is to come in the next two weeks. Defintiely VERY scary.

Patricia said...

As a military brat ;) should have respect for you country during the national anthem which includes placing your hand over your heart. We eve had to stand and do this at the beginning of movies! Someone running for President -- the Chief should certainly be doing this naturally... with out being told.
Patricia - proud and blessed to be an Amercian ;)